The Simple Life - Nutrition

Why should you simplify? Life, in general, is so complicated. Between schedules, families, activities, and obligations, we are pulled in multiple directions all day long. In order to maintain some level of sanity (whatever that means!), simplifying certain areas of our life provides us with calm, predictable stability.

First, we will start with nutrition. There are as many diet recommendations as there are cereal varieties (aka: a lot). Let’s go back to basics. Let’s go back to preparing and enjoying real food.

So, what does that look like?

Eat plants and animals. Lots of them. Your body needs vitamins, nutrients, fats, proteins, carbs, and fiber to work at its best. That’s the reason why we eat! But, it needs to be able to actually utilize the foods we provide it in order to run smoothly (check out bioavailability - it’s pretty cool).

“Food” that is synthetically made or so over-processed that it doesn’t come close to resembling what it looked like in nature doesn’t provide those necessary nutrients.

You’ve heard the saying “you are what you eat”, but have you ever thought about what it means?

Also, as much as it matters what you eat, it also matters what your food eats. Animals that eat what they’re designed to eat will provide a much more nutrient-dense protein than those who are fed commercial diets. Plants that grow in rich soil will provide more vitamins and minerals than those grown in soil depleted of nutrients/filled with chemicals (herbicides, pesticides, etc).

How can you start?

Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. That’s where you’ll find the produce, meat, and eggs.

Find a local farmer and fill your freezer with beef, chicken, and pork that grew up outside in the field, and went straight from the field to your freezer.

Start small. If the closest you get to eating veggies is canned corn and frozen French fries, try just adding in one new veggie. Try different ways of preparing vegetables to find the one you actually enjoy eating!

Don’t wait one more day to start living the awesome life you deserve.

You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients.
— Julia Child